Leone Moretti
Status: Alive
A bard who was studying in the Alquimia Academy's musical program. Leone graduated after writing a ballad known as "Freebird". Leone now holds the postion of Gerente after Javier De Luca took his sisters position as Headmaster.
In secret Leone would work with Raul Val to help fight The Torchbearers, eventually joined forced with Terrance Lombardo who was also fighting The Torchbearers. Together they would eventually bring The Freebirds into their fold during the Kumdan Tepe Economic Summit. After the summit Leone traveled back to Meravigilia where he found out that the King in White and Torchbearers had put a new plot in motion that would later be known as The King's Uprising. Contacting the Freebirds, Leone asked them to come to Meraviglia to smuggle Terrance out. However when The Freebirds arrived the situation had changed and the group found a cocoon similar to the crystal that held Commonwealth above the Voyager's Table. Adapting to the new circumstance the group met up with Leone and raided The Voyager's Table. After helping to defeat the King in White, Leone would return to Alquimia and resume his teaching duties. He would also release another hit ballad titled "Mad King's Suicide", while many fans believe this title to be a metaphor, very few understand the real meaning of the song.