Alexandos Valentino

Status: Alive

The only son of Giovanni Valentino and heir to the Valentino family business. At a young age Giovanni began to to groom his son to take over the family business for him. Alexandos however would elect to skip out on his lessons and preferred to spend his time exploring Meraviglia. In order to teach Alexandos some discipline Giovanni would force him to enlist in the Valentino Mercenary Group. During his tenure with the V.M.G Alexandos would witness the brutal oppression of the farmers and fisherman of Telma at The Nisi Riots and when he returned home Alexandos would steal a caravel recon ship which he would later rename to The Gilded Coffer and become an adventurer. 

Later in life Alexandos would recruit Min, Kuppo and Icarus to help him smuggle contraband through The Raven Order blockade around Ilyran Thalas. A plan which would result in the four being captured and imprisoned at Camp Omega.

After escaping Camp Omega he would travel with The Freebirds to take Shel to Izdrag Or. Eventually he would help her reunite the tribes of Izdrag Or, a move that also hurt his families business much to his joy. Afterward Alexandos' father, Giovanni, would commit suicide but Alexandos suspected foul play and tasked The Freebirds to search for clues at the Alquima Academy regarding a mysterious symbol Alexandos found in his fathers study. However when The Freebirds returned to the Valentino estate to share their findings, and flee persecution for the assassination of Sofia De Luca, Alexandos seemingly turned his back on The Freebirds and sprung a trap of city guards upon them. 

Later at the King in White's palace the group found that the King's Shadow had captured Alexandos and used his face for the last seven years to sit on The Voyagers Table and help further the King In White's agenda. After being saved by the Freebirds Alexandos retook his spot as head of the VMG and swore to destroy every piece of The Torchbearer's Legacy.