Terrance Lombardo
Status: Alive
Country Of Origin: The Merchant Republic Of Alexander Hawk
Terrance Lombardo was a prominent figure and member of The Voyager's Table. He would help Leone Moretti and Raul Val to fight The Torchbearers in secret before eventually meeting The Freebirds at Kumdan Tepe for the Economic Summit. Recognizing that the summit was almost certainly a trap set by The Torchbearers to kill a large number of world government officials who were not working with them Terrance asked the Freedbirds for their assistance in stopping their plot. After the Freebirds helped to quell the attack at the summit Terrance returned to The Merchant Republic with Leone and Raul only to find that the King In White and The Torchbearers had murdered one of the other Voyager's Table members and used the assassination to justify putting Meraviglia on complete lock down. Leone asked the Freebirds for aid once more in smuggling Terrance out of the city but as the situation evolved Terrance remained while the Freebirds fought the King In White. Having survived what is now known as The Kings Uprising, Terrance has dedicated himself to fixing The Voyager's Table and helping The Merchant Republic heal.